City of Robertsdale Master Planning Services

Robertsdale, Alabama

McFadden Engineering developed a water and sewer Master Plan for the city of Robertsdale, Alabama. With the assistance and input of city personnel, the Master Planning services were completed in 2002. By using forecast models to predict future water and sewer infrastructure needs, McFadden Engineering was able to identify the infrastructure needed, plan the implementation of specific projects so that the infrastructure could be phased into the existing system, and provide the city necessary engineering information needed to obtain funding for such projects through bond initiatives and other avenues.

McFadden Engineering assisted the city in the development of a GIS system that would provide accurate mapping of the existing system as well as a planning tool to assist the city with future projects. Because of additional demands associated with the growth the City of Robertsdale experienced and potential growth in the northern portion of the water service area, the need for an additional water source and storage facility became evident in 2005. The city began making preparations to potential locations for a water well, treatment system and storage tank in this area of the city.

McFadden Engineering was retained to provide consulting engineering services for the modeling, design and construction engineering associated with the project. By using MWH Soft, Inc. H2OMap Water software, McFadden Engineering provided hydraulic modeling services to determine the end result of the addition of the water source and treatment facility. The calibrated and verified model simulated pressures in key sections of the city’s service area so that areas of concern could be identified.  These efforts also assisted the city in identifying proposed locations for the water supply well. In all, approximately 62 miles of water distribution pipes ranging in size from 2 to 12 inches were modeled along with two storage tanks and three water supply wells.

From the modeling effort, a project was developed that involved the design of a 1-million-gallon ground water storage tank, 1,200-gpm water supply well, and water treatment facility. This system utilized the areas first MIOX® disinfection process in which salt (NaCl) is used to produce mixed oxidants for disinfection, thus eliminating the need for using chlorine gas as a disinfectant reagent. Due to the iron content in the raw water, chemical addition and a pressure filter was included in the design to remove the iron content in the water and regulate pH. Finished water is distributed to the city via a triplex booster pump station. McFadden Engineering worked closely with ADEM to obtain construction permits and final approval of the treatment facility. Professional services were provided during 2006 through 2008 with construction of the facility occurring from 2007 to 2009.